Tickets sold out!
Box office
A small contingent of tickets will nevertheless go on sale on the day of the event. These are mainly due to technical closures, which can only be lifted once the infrastructure for TV and timekeeping is in place. Tickets will be available at the box office from 16:30 when the hall opens.
Friday, 2025 February 7th
Start at
18:30 Uhr
Europahalle Karlsruhe
Category Seat (sold out)
45,00 €
Category Seat reduced (sold out)
35,00 €
Die Ermäßigung gilt für Schüler, Studenten, Rentner und Menschen mit Behinderung.
Kinder bis 6 Jahre frei, ohne Sitzplatzanspruch
Category Stand (sold out)
25,00 €
Tickets sold out!
Shipping Costs
The ticket offices charge an additional booking fee and shipping costs, whicht are not included in the price.
Important: Ticket is valid for all buses and city trains.